== Committers == Current: See COMMITTERS file. Historical and Current: fwarmerdam & warmerda - Frank Warmerdam dron - Andrey Kiselev danmo & daniel & dmorissette - Daniel Morissette (MapGears) dnadeau & denad21 - Denis Nadeau kdejong & kor - Kor de Jong (geog.uu.nl / PCRaster) aubin - Mark Aubin - Keyhole svillene & stephane - Stephane Villeneuve kmelero - Ken Melero (SANZ) nemec - Philip Nemec (Keyhole) pka - Pirmin Kalberer (Sourcepole) pgs - Paul Spencer (DM Solutions) assefa - Assefa Yewondwossen (DM Solutions) jlacroix & julien - Julie Lacroix (Map Gears) shadow (shadow @ dementia.org?) mbrudka - Marek Brudka (Filbico?) mbp - Mark Phillips (Tiger writer) gpotts - Garrett Potts (OSSIM) gwalter - Gillian Walter (Atlantis) aamici & andrea - Alessandro Amici kintel - Marius Kintel - dgnlib only lichun - Lichun Wang at ITC. hobu - Howard Butler (Hobu Inc) bsimon - Benjamin Simon - pgchip kshih - Ken Shih hsaggu - Harbinder Saggu (Safe Software) ryan - Ryan Proulx (Safe Software) geh - Graeme Hiebert (Safe Software) ssoule - Steve Soule (Vexcel) pnagy - Peter Nagy (Vexcel) sperkins - Simon Perkins (LANL) osemykin - Oleg Semykin cees - Cees Wesseling (PCRaster) rblazek - Radim Blazek (GRASS) cfis - Charles Savage - swig/ruby mloskot - Mateusz Loskot dwallner - Daniel Wallner collinsb - Benjamin Collins (MITRE) - swig/java jimg - James Gallager (OPeNDAP) kruland - Kevin Ruland vgough - Valient Gough - 1999 - configure stuff. silke - Silke Reimer (Intevation) ilucena - Ivan Lucena (Oracle) shalasz - Steve Halasz (Debian) srioux - Sylvain Rioux (Softmap) ldjohn - Lowell D. Johnson - 2001 - rawdataset.cpp - one commit pvachon - Phil Vachon klokan - Petr Pridal condit - Chris Condit (SDSC) retsios - Bas Retsios (ITC) rouault - Even Rouault rayg - Ray Gardener (Daylon Graphics) kosta - Konstantin Baumann aaime - Andrea Aime (Openplans) gaopeng - Gao Peng (ESRI) hannah - hHannah Valbonesi (Safe Software) mchapman - Martin Chapman dreamil - Swapnil Harjare (Indictrans) == Outstanding Issues == In gdal/data we have several coordinate system dictionary files derived in one fashion or another from other source (via translation scripts): * gdal/data/cubewerx_extra.wkt: derived from definitions distributed by Cubewerx, rights unclear. See http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2165 * gdal/data/ecw_cs.wkt: Derived via much processing from ERMapper GDT definitions, rights unclear. See http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2162 == Included Libraries == * zlib: gdal/frmts/zlib * libtiff: gdal/frmts/gtiff/libtiff * libgeotiff: gdal/frmts/gtiff/libgeotiff * libjpeg: gdal/frmts/jpeg/libjpeg * libpng: gdal/frmts/png/libpng * libgif/libungif: gdal/frmts/gif/libungif * libcsf: gdal/frmts/pcraster/libcsf * hdfeoslib: gdal/frmts/hdf4/hdf-eos == Non-free Libraries == Note: all the following are build options, not required. * Oracle OCI for OCI OGR driver. * ESRI SDE for SDE OGR Driver. * ECW SDK for ECW/JP2ECW GDAL driver (close to free now I think). * Kakadu for JP2KAK GDAL driver. * MrSID SDK for MrSID/JP2MrSID driver. * DWGdirect library for DWG writing. == Code Reviewed == === gdal/port === * Various contributors including Daniel Morissette, Andrey Kiselev, Frank Warmerdam and Mateusz Loskot. * cpl_minizip* files come from the "minizip" distribution. Placed under a modified BSD Licence (see port/LICENCE_minizip). Added to gdal/LICENSE.TXT === gdal/gcore === * Various contributed, but mostly FrankW. * All copyright held by FrankW. * Version.rc contributed without copyright notice by Martin Daly, clarification requested. Martin explicitly agreed by email, notice applied, all ok. === gdal/alg === * contour.cpp: Joint copyright between FrankW and ACT. * gdal_crs.c: derived from old GRASS/UMichigan code also under MIT/X license, properly noted in headers. * gdalmediancut.cpp: derived from libtiff tiffmedian.c utility under a GDAL compatible license. Properly noted in headers. * gdalrasterize.cpp: Derived from OpenEV code. Relicensed from LGPL to MIT/X by explicit grant from copyright holder (Frank Warmerdam). * gvgcpfit.c: Believed to be derived from Numerical Recipes in C. It has not been used for some time, but was still in the CVS repository. I have now removed it. * llrasterize.c: Derived from GD which has compatible MIT/X license. Properly noted in header. * thinplatespline.cpp: Contributed by VIZRT Inc., Relicensed to MIT/X with their explicit permission as noted in the header. === gdal/data === * Contains various data files without copyright messages embedded. * cubewerx_extra.wkt: derived from definitions distributed by Cubewerx, rights unclear. See http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2165 * ecw_cs.wkt: Derived via much processing from ERMapper GDT definitions, rights unclear. See http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2162 * seed_2d.dgn, seed_3d.dgn: Exact source of these files is unclear. The files contain no substantial creative content since all but the header elements were stripped. Judged to acceptable use. * NTS-50kindex.csv: Provided by Matt Wilkie, derived from NRCan dataset, rights unclear. See http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2164 (closed - this file isn't actually in the source tree - it is separately distributed as part of FWTools!) === gdal/apps === * gdal_contour.cpp: copyright held by ACT. * gdaltindex.cpp: copyright held by DM Solutions. * gdalwarp.cpp, gdalwarpsimple.cpp: copyright held by i-cubed. * gdaldem.cpp: copyright held by Matthew Perry, Even Rouault, and Howard Butler Derived from code by Michael Shapiro, Olga Waupotitsch, Marjorie Larson, Jim Westervelt : U.S. Army CERL, 1993. GRASS 4.1 Reference Manual. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, Champaign, Illinois, 1-425. Derived from modules of GRASS 4.1 (public domain), properly noted in the headers. See http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2975 === gdal/doc === * no copyright messages in .dox files. * ERMapper logo used with permissions. * "ru" subdirectory (Russian translations) by Andrey Kiselev. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/generic === * Some files here (and elsewhere in OGR) copyright Softmap Inc (but MIT/X). === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/avc === * Some copyright Daniel Morissette, MIT/X. * Included copy of dbfopen.h from Shapelib. We really ought to reference the one in ../shape. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/csv === * drv_*.html not copyright. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/dgn === * Copyright Avenza Systems (MIT/X). * dgn_pge.cpp, dgn_pge.h, pge_test.cpp, vbe_pge.cpp: copyright Pacific Gas and Electric, all rights reserved! (this has all been removed from trunk) * web/* docs lack any copyright message. The isff.txt originally came from Intergraph and dgn.html is a reformatted version of that. Perhaps these ought to move out of GDAL CVS tree - action: this has been removed from svn. (#1813) === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/dods === * all FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/fme === * All code is Copyright Safe Software, "All Rights Reserved"! - License changed to MIT/X with explicit permission from Dale Lutz. Copyright still held by Safe. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/gml === * All FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/grass === * copyright Radim Blazek, MIT/X. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ili === * ili level code copyright Pirmin Kalberer (Sourcepole), MIT/X. * iom/ili2c.jar is ambiguous. (#1812) (removed - ok) * iom source code is all LGPL (per iom/README.src.txt) but none of the source files have a copyright or license header. Action: this file has been removed. (#1812) === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mem === * All FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mitab === * Copyright Daniel Morissette, Stepane Villeneuve, Frank Warmerdam (MIT/X). * Some code derived from MapServer with credit in headers, no problem foreseen. * All clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql === * FrankW, clean. * Howard Butler is co-author of some modules (but copyright all FrankW). === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ntf === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/oci === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/odbc === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogdi === * Copyright Daniel Morrissette, MIT/X. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/pg === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/pgeo === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/rec === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/s57 === * added copyright messages to s57tables.h (derived from s57objectclasses.csv). * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sde === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sdts === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/shape === * inline copy of Shapelib which is dual licensed MIT/X and LGPL. * Note, Shapelib code was written while I was at PCI, but permission was given to release it as open source. * Some (OGR) code is Copyright Softmap Inc, MIT/X. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/sqlite === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/tiger === * Copyright mostly FrankW, but also Mark Phillips, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/vrt === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts === * Some copyright softmap Inc, all MIT/X. === gdal/ogr === * SpatialReferenceIdl.idl, GeometryIdl.idl, CoverageIdl.idl: From OGC spec package I believe. (removed) * ogr_capi_test.c: no copyright message, written by Daniel Morissette. Added copyright. * oledbgis.h: No copyright message, mostly OGC spec constants. * ogr_swq.h, swq.c: Has alternate form of MIT/X license. On review this license is functionally equivalent to the general GDAL license. * Copyright holders include Frank Warmerdam, Daniel Morissette, Softmap Inc., Stephane Villeneuve., Andrey Kiselev, Information Interoperability Institute === gdal/frmts/aaigrid === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/aigrid === * aigccitt.c: Derived from libtiff - MIT/X. * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/airsar === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/bmp === * AndreyK, clean. === gdal/frmts/bsb === * FrankW, Mike Higgins, clean. NOTE: This code is implemented on the basis of work by Mike Higgins. The BSB format is subject to US patent 5,727,090; however, that patent apparently only covers *writing* BSB files, not reading them, so this code should not be affected. See [http://home.gdal.org/projects/bsb/ipi.html] === gdal/frmts/ceos === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/ceos2 === * Atlantis Scientific (now Vexcel Canada), clean. === gdal/frmts/dods === * OPeNDAP Inc/FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/dted === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/ecw === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/elas === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/envisat === * Atlantis Scientific (now Vexcel Canada), clean. === gdal/frmts/fit === * Keyhole (Google), clean. === gdal/frmts/fits === * Simon Perkins (LANL), clean. === gdal/frmts/gif === * FrankW, clean. * libungif is under the MIT/X license as established in ticket #1818. === gdal/frmts/grass === * Frank, clean * Added copyright header to dist/configure.in === gdal/frmts/gtiff === * tif_float.c: Industrial Light and Magic - MIT/X style, but with a credit requirement. Added license notice in gdal/LICENSE.TXT, setup ticket #1819 to streamline it's use. * tif_memio.c: FrankW, Mike Johnson and MancTec AB - MIT/X. * Contains copy of libtiff, license terms explicit in source files. * Contains copy of libgeotiff, license terms not made clear. A review of libgeotiff's LICENSE file makes it clear code is public domain unless otherwise noted (which would be FrankW's MIT/X code) === gdal/frmts/gxf === * README states: Gilles Clement of Global Geomatics approved this support library for general OpenSource release six months after it was released as part of OGDI. This should be approximately September of 1999. * Frank, clean. === gdal/frmts/hdf4 === * AndreyK, clean. * embedded copy of HDF-EOS library with these apparent terms: Copyright (C) 1996 Hughes and Applied Research Corporation Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. I have added this license to LICENSE.TXT to satisfy the credit requirement. * cfortHdf.h had "cfortran.h" strings, and has been removed. === gdal/frmts/hdf5 === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/hfa === * Mostly copyright Intergraph Corporation, clean. * hfacompress.cpp: Sam Gillingham, clean. === gdal/frmts/idrisi === * Ivan Lucena (Clark University), clean. * READMEs for rdc and rst format don't have any copyright details. === gdal/frmts/ilwis === * ITC, clean. * Fixed ilwiscoordinatesystem.cpp header after review of cvs log. === gdal/frmts/iso8211 === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/jdem === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/jp2kak === * dbg_file_source.h: Derived from Kakadu, no copyright or other history. (#1820) (removed - ok) * jp2kak_roi.h: Derived from Kakadu with proper credit. But re-copyrighted FrankW improperly. (#1820) (removed - ok) * Otherwise FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/jpeg === * FrankW, clean. * Contains embedded copy of libjpeg - copyright/license notice README was missing and has been added. === gdal/frmts/jpeg2000 === * AndreyK, clean. === gdal/frmts/l1b === * AndreyK, clean. === gdal/frmts/leveller === * Daylon Graphics, clean. === gdal/frmts/mem === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/mrsid === * AndreyK, clean. === gdal/frmts/msg === * xritheaderparser.cpp, xritheaderparser.h: Copyright ITC and R. Alblas and released under the GPL. (#1821) The GPL code has been removed and reimplemented a different way. Problem resolved. * the rest, ITC, clean === gdal/frmts/msgn === * msg_basic_types.{cpp,h}, msg_reader_core.{cpp,h}: Added copyright headers with explicit permission from Frans van den Bergh, the author/copyright holder. === gdal/frmts/netcdf === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/nitf === * mgrs.h, mgrs.c: Derived from Geotrans (public domain), not current copyright header. * The rest is FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/pcidsk === * AndreyK/FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/pcraster === * Kor de Jong holds copyright. * Some missing headers (pcrasterdataset.h, pcrastermisc.cpp, pcrasterrasterband.cpp, pcrasterutil.cpp, pcrasterutil.h (#1822). * libcsf: license and copyright implicit in AUTHORS and COPYING documents. * libcsf COPYING indicates an MIT-like agreement but with more explicit requirements for notice in binaries. Added to gdal/LICENSE.TXT Copyright (c) 1997-2003, Utrecht University All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Utrecht University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. === gdal/frmts/png === * FrankW, clean. * includes copy of libpng. * libpng has a roughly MIT-like license but with explicit indication that notice is only required in source distributions. http://www.gdal.org/srctree/frmts/png/libpng/LICENSE === gdal/frmts/raw === * FrankW, Derrick J Brashear, AndreyK, clean. === gdal/frmts/rik === * Daniel Wallner, clean. === gdal/frmts/rmf === * AndreyK, clean. === gdal/frmts/rs2 === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/sdts === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/sgi === * FrankW, clean. * Original SGI code used with permission of Paul Bourke. === gdal/frmts/usgsdem === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/vrt === * FrankW, Vexcel, clean. === gdal/frmts/xpm === * FrankW, clean. === gdal/frmts/zlib === * Using external zlib library * README includes the license (same as libpng). === gdal === * aclocal.m4 and configure.in have copyright/license headers. * Various readme's, Doxyfile, Makefiles, scripts without any licensing info. === gdal/swig/include === * Kevin Ruland, HowardB, FrankW, TamasS, clean. === gdal/swig/include/csharp === * Mostly written by TamasS, lacking copyright headers. Emailing Tamas. === gdal/swig/include/java === * Mostly written by BenC, AndreaA, lacking copyright headers. === gdal/swig/include/python === * Mostly written by HowardB, KevinR, lacking copyright headers. === gdal/swig/include/python/docs === * doxy2swig.py is imported from outside, but is under a compatible BSD license * The rest of the .i files are written or produced by HowardB and lack copyright headers. === gdal/swig/include/perl === * Written by Kevin and Ari, a few files lack copyright notices. === gdal/swig/csharp === * Just makefiles and stuff, no problems. === gdal/swig/csharp/apps === * Written by Tamas, lacking copyright headers (emailed).